Timothy X Brown received his B.S. in physics from Pennsylvania State University and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from California Institute of Technology. He has worked at both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Bell Communications Research. Since 1995 he has been at the University of Colorado at Boulder, most recently as Professor in Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering and Director of the Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program. He is currently a Distinguished Service Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in EPP, ECE, and the graduate programs in Kigali, Rwanda. His research interests include wireless communication systems, network security, and machine learning. His recent research funding includes NSF, DOE, and industry. Projects include the role of mobility in network control of unmanned aircraft, denial of service vulnerabilities in wireless protocols, spectrum policy frameworks for cognitive radios, and stochastic geometry applied to wireless networks. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, and the GWEC Wireless Educator of the Year Award.
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